
Welcome to Plan-a-Gift™, our unique interactive tool that helps you plan your gift based on your age, goals, and assets. Just answer the three questions below and Plan-a-Gift™ will recommend the best gift plan or plans to meet your individual needs and help Concord Hospital Trust at the same time.

We gratefully accept outright gifts and bequests of any size. The amounts on Plan-a-Gift™ start with our minimum gift for life-income arrangements.

Your goal: What do you want to accomplish with your gift?

Important - Age range of beneficiaries:

Gift range: What gift range are you considering?

Your gift of any size is very important to us. The minimum in our Plan-a-Gift interactive tool is based on the minimum gift for life-income arrangements. We gratefully accept outright gifts, gifts from your will or trust, or other planned gifts anyone can make of any amount.

Type of asset: What type of asset do you want to contribute?